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What We Do

Salford Mental Health Forum is a charity led by mental health service users, carers and supporters, committed to ensuring that people who use mental health services are involved with shaping and designing them.


We aim to do this by :

  • Raising awareness of mental health issues and reducing stigma.

  • Actively engaging with and campaigning for service users, both nationally and locally.

  • Hosting and taking part in events to talk to the public about mental health.

  • Holding member led events and panels to highlight and discuss important topics.

  • Working with professionals to improve communication, support and services.

  • Keeping information about local and national services up to date and relevant.

  • Placing the mental health community at the centre of everything we and professional support agencies do. Building better relationships between service providers, mental health service users and their carers.

  • Improving knowledge about the barriers to accessing support for mental health.

  • Ensuring that mental health service users and their carers are involved in the co-production of mental health services.

We provide Peer Support to :

  • Create a safe space for mental health service users to talk about their problems.

  • Get help from volunteers with lived or similar experiences.

We actively recruit and train volunteers to support us and we also work with partners to sustain and build our future.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a volunteer Click here

If you would like to work with us a partner Click here 


©2022  This website its content and production including images, media and context is in the sole copyright of Salford Mental Health Forum June 2022 and must not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of SMHF.

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